Now pick 4 cover photos for your profile instead of 1

You may have noticed a slight change in our listing pages recently.  While earlier, only one profile photo was visible for users to click and discover you, now 4 cover photos in a carousel format are available on your WedMeGood profile on our listing page. This feature is available on all mobile applications along with the Mobile Web. 

The main objective is to help you increase visibility and user responsiveness. This will enable you to display the prominent information to the user on the listing page. It saves the user’s time in evaluating any vendor by eliminating the need to go to and fro from the listing page to the vendor’s profile page to make the lead. 

How is this feature beneficial for you?

  • This new feature will help the users have a quick overview of the Vendor’s work.
  • Highlight your best work in the carousel to help users make the decision of booking you
  • You can choose the order of your cover photos to highlight
  • It will showcase essential information about your business. You can display the different services that are being offered with the help of these four card view features

How the vendor card feature looks:

How to add 4 cards to your WedMeGood profile?

On WedMeGood For Business app:

  • Sign-in in your WMG profile on the WedMeGood for business app
  • Go to projects > portfolio
  • Choose up to 8 images to display on your vendor cards and crop the image correctly to fit the frame
  • Your first 4 options will display on your WedMeGood profile on the website and app

On Vendor Dashboard on Website:

  • Log onto your WMG profile dashboard
  • Go to projects > portfolio
  • Choose up to 8 images to display on your vendor cards and crop the image correctly to fit the frame
  • Go to covers and choose the order of the pictures and save the update. Please note only the first 4 images you choose will display on the website and app on your profile. You can change the order whenever you want in the same manner.

Should you have any queries, reach out to us at or call us on 0124-6812346

Track your business performance with one click. Get the WedMeGood for Business app on your smartphone today. Download Now!

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